Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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BVM (USN) celebrates National Sports Day « 29/Aug/2021

"Sports teach not to give up, but fight to the finish"

To commemorate the birth anniversary of the Hockey Legend Major Dhyan Chand the National Sports Day was celebrated at BVM (USN) with great zeal and zest. A plethora of online & offline sports activities were organised to inculcate the feeling of true sportsmanship among the zealous sportsmen. The little ones had fun while playing Traditional Hopscotch Game. With an aim to raise awareness about the importance of sports, an Online quiz competition (VII& VIII) was conducted for the bodacious Bhartiyans. Mr. Sukhwinder Singh (TGT Phy. Edu) enlightened the students on the significance of this day and motivated the pupils to participate in various sports activities and bring laurels to the nation.Principal Mrs Ranju Mangal applauded the stern efforts of the ardent  participants and added that sports and games offer a change from the monotony of daily life, therefore students must make some sports activity an integral part of their life.